Say NO to Stereytype

     Hello everyone. Its Annisa here. So today I will love to talk about stereotyping.  Stereotyping is exaggerated generalizations associated with categorizing system, they go beyond the facts at hand and claims that usually have no basis. A stereotype is any thought widely adopted about specific types of individuals or certain ways of behaving intended to represent the entire group of those individuals or behaviours as a whole. These thoughts are not accurately true in reality. Stereotyping is always blocking your mind to view things. How we think is actually how we are. So, we need to improve our self. 

     In my opinion, we as human always simply judge people or something by looking at appearance, behaviour, action without really know them well enough. We need to set in mind that our perspective is not always true. Stereotype can be in any form such as, racial, culture, gender and we even can be stereotype to our self.  Besides that, stereotype can occur when we had good or bad experience in life. As an example, a friend of mine told me that she does not like people who is Kelantanese. She had experience that one of her friends which is a guy who is Kelantanese is not particularly on cleanliness. She labelled all Kelantanese guys are dirty people until she does not want to have any relationship with someone who is Kelantanese. We tend to see what we expect to see and we have a tendency to twist and distort the characteristics of other until it fits out stereotype of that particular group. We take a look and we generalized things based on what we know and learned through experience. Just because we see one man are trash does not mean all are. Just because people take advantages on their disable status does not mean all are. Just because one white woman is racist does not mean all white women are.


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