Hollywood movies are full of LIES

Hollywood produces great movies, that is a fact but they do not always tell the truth when they say that it is based on “true stories”. I personally agree with this proposition, as we all know Hollywood is the most well-known and is a large film industry that produces a lot of movies such as Mission Impossible, The Equalizer, Incredibles 2 and many more movies, the one thing that all of the movies have in common is that everyone love it so much. The reason as to why Hollywood do not always tell the truth even if it is based on true stories is because the truth is sometimes boring and not suitable for movie material so they replace it with something interesting such as small adorable kids, some action or beautiful girls.
        The terms Hollywood people use is “retelling” which means cutting out the boring, unremarkable bits and inserting other scene that can take the audience’s attention. We know that Hollywood is a fantasy-land. The Possession is an example of a movie that uses “retelling” of The Dibbuk Movie, a book by Jason Haxton, the curator of a medical museum in Missouri who brought a wooden cabinet with Hebrew carvings off eBay, only for his staff to be terrorized by the box which he claims is possessed by a Jewish spirit. Besides that, it is impossible to create a movie that is definitely 100% the same as the real story. The term of “based on true story” is actually use for marketing the film and not for telling the people that it is based on true story because it is not a true story.
           Lastly, Hollywood does produce great movies but the fact that all “based on true story” movies are really based on true story are confirmed to be wrong because there are many example such as Compliance, and The Sessions.


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