The Killer Subject

Before I entered semester four, I heard from most of my seniors said that there is one killer subject that I need to face in semester four called Critical Literacy. One of my seniors told me that it is uneasy subject to score and even my lecturer told me that there were students that failed for this subject. My first impression when I heard the name of the subject I was doubting myself and from the name itself already shown that it will be hard and difficult to score. Everything that was in my head at that moment was on the negative side. I am worried because I am not critical thinker and it takes a lot of time for me to think critically. I tried to be positive and say to myself to take this as a challenge. To be honest, I am the type that cannot make decision alone and I have a hard time to make decision. So, whenever I want to decide I depend on other to give me suggestions. In previous semester I was struggling for my ITTL subject which was quite tough.  In my mind, I thought critical literacy would be more terrible.
After two weeks I learned about this subject, it helps me to think outside of the box. At first, I did not understand especially the 10 rules that we need to master. Critical Literacy is a subject where it is focusing on critical thinking that involved the process of gathering and analyzing information, facts and theories. I able to learn on how to train my brain to think critically in any kind of matters in hope to overcome problems and master the skills in decision-making process. This subject makes me read everything with purpose. It helps me to be good reader that can different ship between fact and opinion. I hope that I can score this subject with flying colors and I can apply this knowledge in my life. I hope that I will never depend on other and have my own stand to make decision in my life.


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