Let's visit Historical Place.

Hi and Assalamualaikum people. Welcome back to heaven on blog. So what’s your plan on this deepavali holidays ? 


Today topics is about Historical Place which is (drum roll) Fort Cornwallis. What is Fort Cornwallis and where is the location of it? Without further a due, let's get start.😍😍 

                    The entrance of Fort Cornwallis.                       

 Fort Cornwallis is a star fort in George Town, Penang and it is the largest standing fort in Malaysia. It sets close to the Esplanade and Clocktower. Click the link below to find the direction to the Fort Cornwallis, GeorgeTown, Penang. 


Alright, back to the topic. 
πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚ If people come to Penang Island, Fort Cornwallis is crucial location to visit and it is highlighted as tourist attractions. The fort was built in 1786 that led up by Captain Francis Light intended as a defensive structure against pirates, Kedah forces, Franch during the Napoleonic Wars and took possession of the Island from Sultan Kedah. Captain Francis Light established free port to lure trade from Britain’s Dutch Rivals. Besides that, the name of Fort Cornwallis was given after the name of Governor-General, Marquis Charles Cornwallis. The fort’s walls roughly around 10 feet high and laid out in a star-shape formation. If there's a need to study more about the history, be sure to click the link below. 


Statue of Captain Francis Light.

The Cannon called Sri Rambai.

Cannons lined up on the outer walls facing the sea of Penang Island.

The Chapel.

The barracks.

The cell.

Lighthouse Lamps-To enter the Lighhouse Lamps, you need to walk around the outside of the fort where there is a small stairs that leads you up-

The Interior of fort contains a bronze statue of Captain Francis Light stand nears the Fort Cornwallis at the main entrance. There are prison cells, barracks, munitions storage areas and a harbour light that used for the signal incoming ships. Furthermore, at the southwest corner of the fort, is the Penang’s first chapel, built in 1799. The first recorded service was the marriage of the widow of Francis Light, Martina Rozells to John Timmers in 1799. There is nothing left inside. Last but not least, People do not want to miss a picture of themselves standing near the big bronze cannons and one of it which is called Sri Rambai. Seri Rambai Cannon is a brass cannon which was put onboard long wooden boat by the Japanese. It has the signature of the Dutch East Indian Company in 1941. It is believed by local folkfore that the cannon possesses some magical power which if an infertile lady places flowers on the cannon barrel as a form of special prayer, she would be able to conceive a child. Click the link below to check the entrance fee to Fort Cornwallis.


There is a lot of historical places in Malaysia that people can visit but the reason why Fort Cornwallis is chosen are because it is in my hometown and it is suitable and eligible to write as i am the local people in Penang. The locals have been to Fort Cornwallis many times and we really love about the history of our hometown. It is hope that with my sharing people will notice about the existence and the history of Fort Cornwallis and visit Penang Island not just because it is a place for food hunting only but can improve your knowledge in history. Therefore, A video is provided from Youtube regarding Fort Cornwallis. See you again people. much of love from me, Faiznur Annisa. πŸ’žπŸ’“πŸ’–


1. Fort Cornwallis Penang Malaysia. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.travel-penang-malaysia.com/fort-cornwallis.html
2. History Fort Cornwallis Penang. (2017). Retrieved from http://www.theesplanadepark.com.my/history.html
3. Architecture of Fort Cornwallis. (n.d.). Retrieved 2017, from http://www.theesplanadepark.com.my/architecture.html
5. Lighthouses of Malaysia: West Malaysia West Coast. (2006, March 12). Retrieved from https://www.ibiblio.org/lighthouse/myw2.htm
6.Fort Cornwallis- City Video Guide. (2015, March 9). Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8Xd4x4O7Pc
8. Fort Cornwallis. (2017, December 13). Retrieved from http://penang.wikia.com/wiki/Fort_Cornwallis
9. Fort Cornwallis. (n.d.). Retrieved fromhttp://www.penang.ws/penang-attractions/fort-cornwallis.htm


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