
Showing posts from August, 2018

Farewell College

       If you read this, that is mean that I am at the end of Semester 4 already. I have learned many things by taking this Critical Literacy subject. I have done my test and assignment and now I am waiting for my turn to do viva presentation which I am little bit nervous but excited as well.         Based on my observation, I learned that I should not just simply agree or disagree at one point without any strong stand or valid evidence. I started to find the meaning behind the article.   I learned that before I believe on any article I learned on how to make sure that the writer is credible enough to write anything. This subject makes me read a lot of article. I able to learn on how to train my brain to think critically in any kind of matters in hope to overcome problems and master the skills in decision-making process. I admitted I am still a little bit confused until now. I hope that this subject will be held in class and not in mass lecture because lecturer can focu

Vaccination is a Good or Bad thing?

Most parents who refuse to vaccinate their children are those who live in the cities and are highly educated, said Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr S. Subramaniam today. “The ministry has detected nearly 1,600 children who did not get vaccinated last year and this figure increasing every year”.   Vaccination is injection of a killed microbe in order to stimulate the immune system against the microbe, thereby preventing disease. The healthy immune system is able to recognize invading bacteria and viruses and produce substances (antibodies) to destroy or disable them. Parents are responsible for their child’s health and well-being, including protecting them from vaccine-preventable diseases. In this issue I strongly believe that parents are not aware about the consequences if their child do not take vaccine. All children need to receive routine vaccinations and an annual infuenza (flu) vaccine, unless there is a medical reason not to. Infant and childhood vaccines prevent diseases

Hollywood movies are full of LIES

Hollywood produces great movies, that is a fact but they do not always tell the truth when they say that it is based on “true stories”. I personally agree with this proposition, as we all know Hollywood is the most well-known and is a large film industry that produces a lot of movies such as Mission Impossible, The Equalizer, Incredibles 2 and many more movies, the one thing that all of the movies have in common is that everyone love it so much. The reason as to why Hollywood do not always tell the truth even if it is based on true stories is because the truth is sometimes boring and not suitable for movie material so they replace it with something interesting such as small adorable kids, some action or beautiful girls.         The terms Hollywood people use is “retelling” which means cutting out the boring, unremarkable bits and inserting other scene that can take the audience’s attention. We know that Hollywood is a fantasy-land. The Possession is an example of a movie t